Sunday, October 13, 2013

Luwe's Lesson Plan

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1.       Identify the rules in plural of nouns
2.       Value cooperation in group works
3.       Convert singular nouns to plural nouns

Subject Matter
References: English is Fun pg. 23-25
Instructional Materials
Sentence strips
List of rules in plurals of nouns
Red and yellow flaglets
Realias:  book/s, pencil/s, box/es, glass/es, leaf leaves and etc.
Pictures:Knife & Knives, cherry & cherries, tree/s, mouse &mice, foot & feet and etc.
Another set of pictures that can be seen in school, house, and department stores
Cartolina ( cut into strips )

1.       Motivation

·         I will show to them the objects and pictures that are in singular form. I will ask them if they know what it is.
·         I will let them identify the objects and pictures.
·         I will ask them “If I will add more of the objects, is there any change in the way we call and name them (nouns)?”
·         I will ask them of “how do we call those nouns if their quantity is more than one?”
·         I will entertain their answers and if they are able to answer “plural nouns” or “plural”, I will let them check whether if its right or wrong after it will be introduced and define in the later part of the session.
·           After they have answered all my questions, I will now present my lesson.
·         My lesson.pptx

2.       Presentation

·         I will group the class into  5 groups
·         I will give the students pictures of things that they actually encounter every day; when they do chores, grooming their selves, go to school and everything that they might see in the streets.
·         I will let them write the names of the pictures in strips of paper.
·         The strips of paper are designed and divided into two; the purpose of the half will be seen later.
·         They will finalize their answers.
·         I will ask them “what do you observe in the words you wrote?”
·         “What do you observe in the names of the pictures you got?”
·         “What have you observe in the forms of the words?”
·         I will entertain questions and answers.
·         I will confirm to their answers whether it is correct or needs improvement and I will connect it in the defining of plurals and the introduction of singular to plural rules.
·         Then, I will now introduce the Plural Form.
·         I will discuss the rules in making a singular noun to plural.
·         Take a little elaboration and review
·         After we discuss the rules of how to make a singular noun in its plural form
·         The activity we’ve done a while ago will be continued
·         The half of the strips will be used by folding it and adjusting it so we can write the plural of the word connected to its singular
·          form.
·         I will check if they have understood the different rules of plural nouns
And if they are able to convert and change the singular nouns to plural nouns.
3.       Application

·         I will now group them again into 4 groups ( 6 members each group )
·         Every group will be given a pair of flaglets ( Red & Yellow )
·         The activity will be facilitated by the teacher
·         The teacher will ask them to have a representative to raise the answer strips where the group will write their answers
·         And the rest will be the source of the answer
·         It is a work group so everybody should contribute
·         The teacher will now start the activity
·         Every group will receive strips of cartolina, markers, and flaglets
·         The teacher will now raise pictures that can be seen in school, house, and in department stores.
·         Each group will write down the plural form of the name of the pictures
·         The teacher will set a time for them to answer (10 seconds) each picture
·         Everyone in the group can help in answering (the one can write the answer, the other can give and might discuss the answer and then, when the timer stopped, the representative shall raise the strip and show their answer.
·         Each representative will show their answer to the class.
·         The representative will have to explain their answer and what is the rule they have used.
·         Then, the other teams will now also have to confirm whether their answer is right or wrong by raising their flaglets.
·         If they raised the yellow flaglets, it means that they agree that the answer is right but when they raise red, it means that there is something wrong in the answer of the other group and they will explain what is lacking, or what is wrong in the answer of the other group.
·         Every right answer corresponds to a score that every group will get.
·         The scores will be recorded.
4.       Generalization
·         We will process the activity
·         I will ask feedback from the group members
Ø  What can you say about the activity?
Ø  Was the activity exciting?
Ø  What have you learned?
·         We will all together review some examples of plural nouns
Assessment/Enrichment Activity
·         Get a piece of paper and answer the following.
·         There are singular nouns in the board together  with their pictures
·         Supply the plural nouns of each singular noun.
·         Answer the page 35 of the “English is Fun” book.

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